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Our Partners

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Advocates for Life is a student organization that prides itself on it's involvement in the community. We partner with a wide array of groups from local pro-life ministries to national non-profits who are making a difference in the pro-life movement.

A Moment of Hope

Sidewalk Counseling Ministry and Pregnancy Team Training Hub

A Moment of Hope offers counseling and resources to women considering abortion. Our students partner by acting as volunteer sidewalk counselors, fundraising, and providing assistance in answering additional ministry needs. 

Two women changed their minds today! Tha

South Carolina Citizens for Life

State Pro-Life Organization

South Carolina Citizens for Life informs the citizens of South Carolina in pro-life issues arising in the state, primarily on the issue of legislative advocacy and elected officials.

A Moment of Hope

Sidewalk Counseling Ministry and Pregnancy Team Training Hub

A Moment of Hope offers counseling and resources to women considering abortion. Our students partner by acting as volunteer sidewalk counselors, fundraising, and providing assistance in answering additional ministry needs. 

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